M3SED6UK24K Valves Bosch Rexroth

Home > Stock > Valves > M-SED > ELETTR.M3SED6U-K1X/350CG24K4
- 3/2 and 4/2 directional Bosch Rexroth poppet valve with solenoid actuation
- Direct operated directional poppet valve with solenoid actuation
- Porting pattern to ISO 4401-05-04-0-05 and NFPA T3.5.1 R2-D05
- Subplates to data sheet RE 45054 (separate order)
- Blocked port is leak-free closed 
- Reliable operation also after longer periods of standstill under pressure 
- Wet-pin DC solenoids with detachable coil (AC voltage possible with rectifier)
- Solenoid coil can be rotated around 90°
- For changing the coil, the pressure-tight chamber needs not to be opened
- Electrical connection as individual connection
- With concealed manual override, optional
- Inductive position switches and proximity sensors (contactfree and floating), see RE 24830
- For further electrical connections, see RE 08010
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