4WEH10E110EK Valves Bosch Rexroth

Home > Stock > Valves > 4W(E)H > V.DISTR. 4WEH10E4X/6EW110N9EK4
- 4/3, 4/2 or 3/2-way version
- Types of actuation (internal or external pilot control):
   • Electro-hydraulic (type WEH)
   • Hydraulic (type WH)
- For subplate mounting
- Porting pattern according to ISO 4401
- Spring or pressure centering, spring end position or hydraulic end position
- Wet-pin DC or AC solenoids, optional
- Electrical connection as individual or central connection
- Optional versions:
   • Manual override
   • Switching time adjustment
   • Preload valve in channel P of the main valve
   • Stroke setting and/or spool position monitoring
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